Utility Token: HWIK
Utility Token
The maximum supply of HWIK tokens cannot exceed 20% of HCL market capitalization
Swap fee, NFT Marketplace fee, Cross-chain bridge fee, SBT minting cost, exchange within the TAGLO app will be burned from circulation
The HWIK token is the utility token of the Hwik Circle Layer, and the HWIK token has the following utilities that allow access to various services in the Hwik Circle Layer ecosystem and is offered as an incentive reward for on-chain activities.
Hwik Circle Layer Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Fee
Minting of NFT or Soul Bound Token (SBT) / NFT Marketplace Trading
Hawik Circle Layer-based MaaS and LaaS DApp Service Fees and Rewards
Swap to Governance Token (HCL) by Converting feature (burning HWIK Token)
FT, NFT Staking Rewards and Staking Boost
Referral and verification Rewards for PoC-based DApp services such as TAGLO
Last updated